Tuesday, 6 September 2011

International-break curse strikes Arsenal again

Bad news on the injury front is always expected during the international break and this time it's no exception with news that Thomas Vermaelen will be out for 6 weeks and Jack Wilshere missing for 2 months.

It's a good job we were busy on the transfer front last month, eh? Nevertheless, that's two nailed-on first-teamers out of the picture for a while and I maintain that the initial prognosis is traditionally optimistic with Arsenal players.

Wilshere has been over-played and not rested when medical tests indicated he needed a break, and perhaps his injury problems could have been avoided had we added to the squad last January. But I think he'll be back, perhaps even on schedule.

Vermaelen, I'm more worried about. Persistent injury problems could dog his career, we're hearing.

Most worrying of all is the club's inability to keep enough players fit and fresh to mount a title challenge. I believe we could win a cup this year with our new additions, but only an eternal optimist would say we'll be up there challenging for the league.

Anyway, the club should analyse the problem and try to determine the reason for it. It could be any of the following:
1) we over-play certain players;
2) we don't conduct stingent-enough medicals prior to making new signings;
3) our medical treatment is ineffective;
4) our training methods need changing.

The pre-match warm-ups I've seen at all levels at Arsenal make me think we could improve our training methods and I think we all know certain players, like Wilshere, have played too many games at a young age. Even the FA recognise this is dangerous for young players, but Le Prof, known for the appliance of science, seemingly refuses to recognise this.

I find this strange, given our boss introduced a scientific approach to sports nutrition and sports psychology in football. We have to thank him for being an innovator and his success at Arsenal was built on substances like creatine and his logical demeanour. He was a breath of fresh air.

We now need the appliance of science in the physiology department too. Please Mr Wenger, address this problem, just like you did the recent lack of experienced personnel in our squad. If you do, you will make us great again.

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