Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Joey Barton to move to Arsenal? Can we believe it?

If I`d been eating cornflakes at the time I read the Barton story on Sentanta, I`d have choked on them.

They quote Micky Quinn, an ancient opponent who caused more pain (with his goals) at Highbury than I care to remember. Now it seems he`s at it again, winding us up with his comments on TalkSport. Quinn said: "I know through a third party that Arsenal have enquired about Joey Barton.

"Why are they (Newcastle) letting players like Joey Barton go if they have any ambition.

"But it's only going to be Arsenal's gain. He'll put a bit of steel into that Arsenal team."

It sounds like something out of the realms of fantasy to me. Barton is skillful enough for Arsenal, I feel sure of that. But what would he make of our dressing room? And more to the point, what would our current players and fans make of him. I couldn`t imagine Barton getting a hero`s welcome if he joined us from Newcastle. Me personally, I`d love to see him play for Arsenal. But that`s why I`m `The Loose Cannon`!

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