Friday, 29 July 2016

Lacazette Off To Arsenal? Lyon President Reveals Big News Update

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger is known to be a fox-in-the-box when it comes to transfer deals. The Frenchman hardly ever reveals his hand and is known for his constant dithering. In my experience as an Arsenal fan for over 20 years, I believe Wenger hates it when he happens to be interested in a player whose club owner or director is as tough as himself when it comes to negotiations.

The Arshavin case of those years is a case in point. At a stage it was rumoured that we would pull out of the deal because the then Zenith St Petersburg president was a tough negotiator, almost tougher than Wenger himself. Unfortunately for all Arsenal fans, the same situation is looking like playing out with Alexandre Lacazette and Olympic Lyonaise owner and president Jean-Michel Aulas.

Arsenal have reportedly tabled a bid of 35 million for Lacazette which was rejected by Lyon and although there are many reports that Wenger will put in yet another bid, Jean-Michel Aulas has today confirmed he doesn't think Wenger will come back

Speaking to L'Equipe president Jean-Michel Aulas said: "Arsenal have not come back...and they will not come back" adding: "No one will leave OL, except for Rachid Ghezzal if he has an offer, which I doubt." 

This development if true could mean Arsenal will end with no striker this summer and should Leicester City also refuse to let Mahrez go, then Arsenal fans can assume all the transfer business Arsenal will do this summer has already been done.

It is a shame really but I can't blame other clubs. The market is so inflated at the moment and the earlier Arsenal especially Wenger accepts the fact that it is not Arsenal but the market forces that determines the price of players the better for us.

The hypocrite of Wenger is beyond annoying. It has held us back for too many years. Arsenal makes more money than they were making in 2006 for instance but still expect to pay the same amount they were paying in 2006 for players in 2016.

If Troy Deneey is worth £30 million, Lacazette should also be worth at least £45 million. It is what it is. We either pay up or we continue to struggle. It is even more annoying considering the last time the club increased the prices of the season tickets, they gave the increase in taxation as excuse for the increment but increment in TV money, sponsorship money, match day money and others hasn't led to an increase in activities in the transfer market which smells off hypocrisy to me.


  1. If you are going to talk about hypocrisy then look in the mirror you dumb writer.

    Remember Arshavin? Remember we had stadium debt when we broke our own record to sign him? How about when Wenger paid over the odds to get Nasri around the same time as well? The guy had just signed a new contract and we had to pay extra... Wenger paid it.

    Since then Gazidis has came into Arsenal and took over Deins old role, which part of it was dealing with transfers.

    If you are a so called fan then get off your arse and look at your club!

    1. Ever since those signings, which other big names have Arsenal go all out to sign? Don't Say Ozil because he was a Real Madrid reject so also was Sanchez.

      Cech wanted a London move after Chelsea agreed to let him go.

      Have we beaten any big club to a bidding war? Even for the players you mentioned, Nasri and Arshavin, which other clubs were in runnings for them?

      Let's educate each other.

  2. "If Troy Deneey is worth £30 million, Lacazette should also be worth at least £45 million."

    Actually, what you should have written is
    "If a club is prepared to pay £30 million for Troy Deneey, then clubs should not be surprised to be asked for at least £45 million for Lacazette."

    1. Correctioned noted. Thanks. We all learn every day.

  3. You are totally wrong with your interpretation of things
    Most of the fans are happy and they understand what wenger is trying to do for the club
    He will try to buy a player at the best possible rate
    I thinks that's the way to go still more than a month to go
    Y panic and give extra bucks

  4. If Wenger refuses to pay the presently inflated prices it means he is snookering both the chances of the club winning the big competitions and also damaging the joy and expectations of 5,000,000 Arsenal fans worldwide. Wenger's stance is "cutting his nose to spite his face", a sort of self harm. I for one will be glad when Kroenke, Gazidis and Wenger have gone from our great club. Sadly I doubt if I will see that in my lifetime. Shame. Our club should be officially renamed "4th place Arsenal FC".

  5. 4th place is what ManU, Liverpool, etc could not get.
    Look, we all want Arsenal to buy big and win big. But realism must be our watchword. If anybody thinks Arsenal can afford to splash money on players the way some clubs do who spend what they don't earn, such person should have a rethink. In think Mr Wenger is doing very well with the resources available. The value of a player is not necessarily represented by the price paid for him. Wenger will find the players to do a job without running the club aground, He did it before. Even in the present madness, he has done it with the signing of Elneny. What matters most, to me, is to get the best out of the players, and requires
    * The rights tactics for every game, and
    * The players' attitude. Monreal got it right when he accused the players of lacking the hunger at times last season.

  6. AFC Liverpool and FC Manchester are proof that most fan realise that the Premier League is a business with clubs who have has no concern for the fans.Arsenal are fighting a losing battle to be self sufficient and compete. One of the bigs clubs will do a "leeds" in the next 5 years.

  7. im sorry "4th place Arsenal"?! are you even an Arsenal fan? clearly not! we finished 2nd!!!!!!!! only team to beat the eventual winners twice home and away. how is that renaming your team 4th place? god we're not tottenham you know this is arsenal a proper team. you absolute knob.

  8. Arsen have actually what ican say bad tranfer policy. Idon't understand why do want to be champion and make happy for arsenal funs. Simply what ihave understand about him and makes to me happy is he shows us agood foot ball
